OK, OK I know it looks like I'm in the "dog house" but that is not true! This is a play house in the dog park in Natural Bridge, VA. I'm getting a little ahead of myself so let me tell you what all happened up to this point.
We left Jacksonville and traveled up I-95 and stayed at our favorite KOA where dad ordered pizza and wings. I gave him my "lab look" and got pizza crust. Mom fussed, but too late yum. Our next stop was in NC. They had a really big dog park for me to run in. Then the next day we headed up I-81, which parallels some of the Blue Ridge Parkway, to Natural Bridge, VA. The mountains are beautiful, steep and the dogwoods are beginning to bloom. We had really strong winds (25 - 35 mph) and dad had to fight to keep the RV on the road as well as handle the mountains. We get to the RV Park and as mom is putting down the jacks to balance the coach dad hears a pop and it seems the jack blew a seal. That was about all dad's Italian patience could handle. If he could have sold the RV on the spot he would have!

It took dad and the service man all the next afternoon to pull out the jack. We put it in one of our storage bins to have the seal rebuilt in Maine. Well this was more excitement than we needed, so the rest of the trip hopefully would be uneventful. WRONG! We leave Natural Bridge and spent the next night in PA. So far so good. They had a nice dog park here too. Sun. morning we head out toward NY when a wild turkey flies in front of the RV. Luckily we are tall enough it did not hit the windshield and no damage was done to us. Just so you know, we DID NOT have smoked road kill turkey for dinner!
Once we got north of VA the trees were just budding and it still looked like winter. The temp. has been very cool. 50's days low 40's nights. When we stop at the RV Parks we always get "full hook-up." That means water, electric, sewer and cable. It seems the KOA mom picked out in NY was located in the middle of nowhere. So we had only water and electric! Not only no cable but no antenna reception. NO TV! It was so isolated mom thought she heard banjo's in the distance.
Well we actually made it to Maine on schedule. Miracle of miracles. We did our final gas fill on I-95 in Maine right at noon time and there was a McDonald's there. So mom and dad said we should treat ourselves to a Big Mac and fries. Mom even broke down and got me a hamburger patty! Attached are some pictures of our trip up. My next blog will be after my workshop. Wish me luck.