Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Mom and Aunt Sharon took a day trip to visit Mt. Washington in the White Mountains, Presidential Range. This was a trip where they left me home AGAIN! Just because dogs are not allowed on the cog railway, BIG DEAL. I was up for a hike to the summit. Experienced hikers take around 4 hours to make the climb. Mom says it would take her 4 days! Mt. Washington is the highest peak in the Northeastern US and the most prominent mountain east of the Mississippi River.

Mount Washington Cog Railway is the world's first mountain-climbing cog railway running from 1868 to the present. The length of the track is 3 miles and takes 45 minutes to travel up to the summit. Attached are wonderful pictures of the trip.

I am making weekly Therapy Dog visits and loving it. Our weather is wonderful. 80's daytime and 60's at night. The green eyed flies are a problem but I have special spray from the vet to keep them off. Enjoy the pics and Ill be back in a week or so. Miss you All, Sam

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