Monday, August 10, 2015


Hi Everyone, It's been almost 3 weeks since I've checked in and boy have I been busy. I met a friend in the RV Park who stayed here for 3 weeks. His name was Wilson and he is a yellow lab. We became best buds and got to go on outings together. He loves to swim and run on trails just like me. It was sad when he left on Friday for his home in NY. Every time I pass their site I double check to make sure he hasn't returned. His Mom took lots of pictures and will be sending them to me. So keep a heads up for pictures of the two of us.

Every week, as you know, I get to go visit as a Therapy Dog. Now I hear them call my name when I am coming down the hall. Some even whistle for me to come to them. Now don't tell Dad, but some give me TREATS! (I don't want him giving me less at home! I might waist away to normal.)

Saturday I had the BEST day EVER! Mom and I left home at 6:30 am headed to Ocean Park Beach for a Doggie Breakfast. There we met some of my Therapy Dog Class Mates as well as made new friends. We had swim time, free play, a special blessing and games. They had all sorts of events from largest to smallest dog, youngest to oldest, best tail wagger, best kisser, best vocalist to name a few. Mom entered me in the Sit Down Stay contest and I won a trophy along with 3 others. Then they gave a trophy for the one who came the farthest and I beat everyone out. So I came home with 2 trophies! Here are some pictures for you to enjoy. I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you in the fall. Take care and I will try to do better about writing. I miss you all, Sam and Family

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Sam on the trophies! Sounds like you are having a great summer!
    Penny and Simon
