Thursday, August 27, 2015

SAM in the MARSH

Hi There, Well it has been a fun and busy week. We had family visiting from Atlanta and New York. Dad's sister and one of his cousins and her husband, sister and brother-in-law. Of course you know what that means, I was left at home while they had a good time shopping and eating out. Hump! I shouldn't complain too much since I still get to swim and have my rides.

Today I am sharing a few pictures from one of their outings. Dad stayed home with me and they all rode in one car. There is a wonderful seafood place to eat that has been mentioned on the travel and food channel as a must see place to visit. It is the Five Island Lobster Co. in Georgetown, ME. Now this is about and hour north of Portland. The day they decided to go was socked in with fog which hung around until late afternoon then fog came back in.

I'm making my weekly therapy dog visit today then I'm going for a weigh in. Oh NO! Mom doesn't know but Dad and I made a McDonald's run when she was out shopping and on her outings. Dad told me to only put 3 paws on the scale. Oops, I just can't say no to TREATS. Catch you all next week if I'm not too weak from Mom taking away my extra food, after all, without it, I may waste away to normal. Love and Hugs, Sam and Family

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