We traveled through a lot of farm country and beautiful mountains. We spent a night at Nittany Mts. in PA. I had a lot of room to run. Next we traveled through the Shenandoah Valley staying near Harrisonburg, VA.
Our next stay was in the Blue Ridge Mountains. This was a great wooded RV park with a big dog park to play in. Mom was a little upset because there was NO phone service. We walked to the office to inquire about cell coverage, and found out that AT&T's coverage is poor. It seems there is only one spot in WHOLE the park where there is a strong enough signal. They pointed us to a metal KOA chicken on the fence outside the KOA office. They lovingly call it the AT&T Chicken. Well there was no doubt, Mom had to take its picture!
Did I tell you Mom had to buy a new camera on this trip. Seems she dropped the other one and it broke, so she ran out and got another one. She wouldn't want to miss a photo opt! We will continue out trek back south ending up at Fort Wilderness in Orlando's Disney World for three days. I love it there because Mom and Dad rent a golf cart and I get to ride shot gun with Dad driving. (Mom takes a back seat but don't tell her I told you.)
Attached are some pictures Mom took as we headed towards home. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you real soon.
Lots of Love Sam, Mom (Judy) and Dad (Chris)