Sunday, September 28, 2014


Looks like we headed back just ahead of the fall colors. Southern NY had the most color. This picture Mom took at a rest stop just before we left NY. I love it when we stop because I get to smell new smells and leave my mark. (We guy dogs do that.)

We traveled through a lot of farm country and beautiful mountains. We spent a night at Nittany Mts. in PA. I had a lot of room to run. Next we traveled through the Shenandoah Valley staying near Harrisonburg, VA.

Our next stay was in the Blue Ridge Mountains. This was a great wooded RV park with a big dog park to play in. Mom was a little upset because there was NO phone service. We walked to the office to inquire about cell coverage, and found out that AT&T's coverage is poor. It seems there is only one spot in WHOLE the park where there is a strong enough signal.  They pointed us to a metal KOA chicken  on the fence outside the KOA office. They lovingly call it the AT&T Chicken. Well there was no doubt, Mom had to take its picture!

Did I tell you Mom had to buy a new camera on this trip. Seems she dropped the other one and it broke, so she ran out and got another one. She wouldn't want to miss a photo opt! We will continue out trek back south ending up at Fort Wilderness in Orlando's Disney World for three days. I love it there because Mom and Dad rent a golf cart and I get to ride shot gun with Dad driving. (Mom takes a back seat but don't tell her I told you.)

Attached are some pictures Mom took as we headed towards home. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you real soon.
Lots of Love Sam, Mom (Judy) and Dad (Chris)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How about this another blog a day a part. We are headed home spending our first night leaving NY in PA. Even though Mom and Dad wouldn't take me with them to Niagara Falls I thought you would enjoy the pictures.We have a great trip planned on the way home going through the Shenandoah Valley and Blue Ridge Mountains. As always we will end up at Fort Wilderness to unwind with Mickey Mouse. Hopefully we will see some fall color on our way back south. Can't wait to see my  pals in the dog park. Love Sam and Family

Monday, September 22, 2014

Hi everyone. I bet you thought I got lost going from Maine to NY. Well I didn't. It seems that the connectivity at this KOA in Medina is not so good and it takes a lot of time to down load pictures. We had a nice trip from ME to NY but boy do they have a ton of tolls up north! Of course driving a large RV towing a car is double trouble.

Our first night out we stayed in MA at a Jellystone RV Park. It was nice but no dog park for me to run in and I had to stay on leash while we were there. The next night we stayed at a KOA in Herkimer, NY. What a beautiful place on the Canada River. The river was clear, cold and fast moving, maybe that is why Mom wouldn't let me go swimming. She wouldn't even let me chase the Canadian Geese along the bank of the river.

The next day we traveled to Medina, NY. This is a very picturesque and quaint town built in the late 1800's on the Erie Canal. It was like stepping back in time. Mom said the church was not like our church back home. Mom and Dad went to visit one of Dad's brothers and took me with them. They had a Thanksgiving Dinner and I got some turkey.  Uncle Paul knows how to debone a turkey. YUM
Dad's other brother Al came out to visit us at our camp site. He brought along some sort of pastry but I wasn't allowed to have any. Bummer! Lake Ontario is just up the road from our camp ground and we took a ride to a state park and I got to see the lake. Looks like the gulf to me.

We are heading out tomorrow to start working our way home. Mom has some pictures from her and Dad's trip to Niagara Falls to share with you in a couple of days. Mom is hoping for a stronger signal. Until then, love Sam and Family.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Well can you believe it is time to leave Maine? I have had such a good time and the weather has been great but I am, also, a little sad. I have a best friend, Lucky. He is a rescue dog that is part Lab and part Hound and guess what? He LOVES the water as much as I do! We like to run the trail into the Salt Water Marsh but the other day we got into big trouble. Lucky took off chasing birds and I followed. When the Mom's yelled at us to come back Lucky kept going and I followed. We weren't gone very long but our Mom's almost lost their voices yelling for us. (Not that our Dad's would mind if they lost their voices!)
Mom visited Len's Chocolate Factory (without me) and bought Dad some chocolate fudge. While she was there she had to take a picture of Lenny. The chocolate factory is on route 1 and we pass it every time we go out. Mom always would say she wanted to stop and see the life size chocolate moose. She finally did it this week. Talk about waiting to the last minute.

We are traveling to Medina, NY which is on Lake Ontario between Rochester and Buffalo. We will be staying for two weeks before working our way home. Mom and Dad will be visiting family and I suppose they will golf (leaving me alone) while they are there. Maybe I will meet new friends in NY. The camp ground has a dog park so there is always hope. I wonder if there are any dog friendly beaches close to where we will be? I'll write later and let you know.
Signing out for now.
Love, Sam and family

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Yeah, Buffie got hear and we got along really well. We had a very busy time and Muffie and I got to go along with everyone, sometimes.
Gary, Janet and Muffie

How do you like the looks of that dinner? I thought Muffie was going to eat Janet's lobster. This was the dinner just before they left so let me back up and tell you about our week.

We started our week with a trip to The Portland Light House (my favorite running place). It was Muffie's first time to run off lease and she did great. We had such a great time and as usual Mom took more pictures. How many does she need of that Light House?

On Tuesday Janet, Muffie's Mom, Mom and myself went to Two Lights State Park. The coast line was really rugged and Mufffie and I got to climb on the rocks with our mom's. We had fun walking the trails, but we had to be on a lease since the trails sometimes were high with deep drop offs.

When we left the park we took a ride to Higgins Beach but we were not allowed to get out and run. Too many people I guess. Then came our treat! On the way back to the camp site we stopped at, you guessed, MC DONALD'S! The Mom's got diet coke, yuk, but Muffie and I got ICE CREAM!

Wednesday rolled around and Muffie and I got left at home. We didn't get to take a ferry ride to Peaks Island. They had a great lunch at Peaks Island House while sitting on the deck overlooking Casco Bay. Mom took more pictures which you can see in her attachment.

Thursday they went shopping in Freeport where LL Bean has there flagship store. That is some big boot! There were a lot of stores like Coach, Dooney & Bourke (Janet had a bag from there), Polo,Talbots (Mom got a couple of tops) Brooks Brothers, Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream....

Ben and Jerry's? And I didn't get to go? All was not lost because that evening we had a camp fire and Muffie and I got to be there.

Friday they were off to Kennybunkport and left us alone again. I think they were visiting the Bush's, well maybe not. That brings us to Saturday and that wonderful dinner. I got to go to Muffie's RV camp ground for the day. There was no room at ours for them so they stayed at one close by. They had to head out on Sunday morning, life will be quiet without them!

We only have a week left before we head out to NY. I'll report in with more pictures. I guess Mom and Dad are going to visit Niagara Falls. Hope everyone is well. See you soon, Sam and Family

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

                                        WHERE IN THE WORLD IS SAM?

Well look at this. What a pretty little cove called, Diamond Cove, on Great Diamond Island. No Mom didn't take me with her on this outing. She went with her friend, Pat and Pat's two daughters. They took a ferry to Great Diamond Island with a couple of stops on the way. The ferry ride only took 40 minutes with great views of Casco Bay Islands. Their is even a fort in the middle of the bay. They had lunch at Diamond Inn on the deck overlooking Diamond Cove. Can you believe she ate all her Salmon and din't bring me a doggie bag.

Back at the RV Dad and I had to rough it without at car. Bummer. Usually when Mom leaves with friends she leaves us the car and Dad and I go to McDonald's for a hamburger, but today she drove. Just before she left Great Diamond Island the skies opened up with a torrential downpour that included pea size hail. We had the same storm come through the camp. By the time Mom got back to port the rain had stopped. Dad and I would have worried if we weren't napping. That's what you're supposed to do in a rain storm, right?

Next Tues. we have good friends from Indiana coming to visit for a week and guess what, they have a friend for me, Muffie. I hope she can run off lease so we can go back to the light house. Mom took more pictures while on her outing so hope you enjoy the slide show. I'll be back to tell you all about Muffie and my adventures. Sam signing out

Friday, August 8, 2014



My goodness time flies when you're having fun. We have been in Maine over a month now and so love this area. This summer has had more rain than last year, but when you are a LAB and love the water (in any source) it is okay. Mom and Dad still have found time to go golfing once a week. Can you believe they won't take me? I love riding in a golf cart and chasing balls! 

Attached is an album with miscellaneous pictures, starting with me at the beach. I swim at the camp grounds more than the beach because Dad says it is too sandy and makes a mess in the car. Then there are pictures of the trail at the Portland Head Lighthouse where I get to run off lease on the trails. Yippee I sure love that! The picture up top is taken there. As we near home I start getting excited because we drive through McDonald's so Mom can get her diet coke and I get a hamburger patty. Life is Good!

Every morning I get to take a walk with Mom or Dad. The other morning there was sea fog so Mom took a picture of the Duck Pond. That is on the album. It turned out pretty cool. You should see all the baby ducks. I have been so good but the other morning I couldn't resist and tried to chase them. Dad held on tight and my plans were foiled. (He's no fun.)

Mom went to a Victorian Mansion also known as the Morse-Libby House located in down town Portland. It was built between 1858 and 1860 with 90 % of the contents being original. She went with her friend from the RV Park who is also from Florida. After the tour they went for lunch on the bay where they visited The Black Dog. This is a store where everything in the store was Black Labs! Mom came home with tee shirts for she and Dad and a peanut butter cookie for me. (I like Pet Smart treats better but don't tell Mom. She tried.)

Mom went for lunch the other day on an Island but that's another blog. I'll be back soon, promise.  Sam

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Back again to bring you up to date. Our trip to Maine from Mass. was only 150 miles. When we got to Wild Duck Campgrounds our favorite camp site was ready. We see a lot of friends from last year and they are excited to see me (everyone says I have gotten big). The weather is a little warm, going up to 90, but I don't mind since I get to swim in the salt water canal here at the campground. Guess where the campground gets its name? You got it DUCKS! They are everywhere. Too bad Mom and Dad won't let me chase them.

Remember me saying things run in 3's and we were finished? Guess I was wrong since our front A/C went out and because this is tourist season there is a 2-4 week wait for service. (We have become the tourist that clogs the streets and causes long lines at the restaurants. Revenge is sweet!) Good thing the weather has cooled down with days in the mid 70's and nights high 50's. Great weather for evening campfires! The RV Service was in the park so we got looked at early. We need a new motor and hopefully it will be in on Monday.

I had my 2nd birthday on Mon. July 7th. Boy did I have a great day! I got to go to the Portland Head Light House where I ran off lease in an open field and played along a wooded pathway. There was a 4 month old black lab puppy there who thought I was his dad. (Not possible, Mom took care of that.) I played with a lot of friends that morning. On our way home we stopped at McDonald's (Mom knows where they all are) and I got a cup of ice cream and Mom got her diet coke. I usually don't get people food but Dad grilled me a hot dog as part of my dinner. I think birthdays should come once a week!

Mom has a trip planned to the Two Lights State Park. She says this is a great "photo op" as it has a beautiful rugged coastline. Looks like our next blog will have an album attached. Hope everyone is having a fun summer, we sure are. I'll be back soon.

Love, Sam & Family

Thursday, July 3, 2014


    HAPPY 4th of JULY

Well did all of you think I got lost? It seems that when one camps deep in the woods the "free WIFI" is so slow, even opening email is a problem. We are now settled in Maine with great connectivity. So let's get you caught up.

Let me tell you what happened when we got gas in PA at a truck stop. Filling up the RV works a little different than filling a car. We have a 100 gallon gas tank to fill with diesel. The routine is Mom goes inside the Truck Stop to have the pump turned on while Dad fills the tank. Then Mom comes out after paying, gets in, locks the door and we are ready to rock and roll. This whole time I sit behind the driver's seat supervising everything. I have a lot of truck drivers say hi and laugh when they walk by. I think they think I am driving. (I'm not old enough to drive.) After filling the tank, Dad sometimes goes to the back of the RV to the bathroom.

This particular day Dad walks around the back of the RV while Mom walks around the front. She gets in and thinks he is in the back and locks the door but Dad is NOT IN THE RV! He comes up and tries to open the door but it is locked and he somehow thinks I have locked the door with his keys inside. He walks around the RV thinking he has to CLIMB in a window. Good thing Mom saw him outside and opened the door. (How could I lock a door?)

This was the start of a weird day.

We traveled on to a campground deep in the woods of the Hudson Valley in NY. Normally directions to the RV Park are marked with several signs leading you to the campground. Thank Heaven for map quest and GPS, they helped us finally get there. In addition it seems the RV Park has moved the office and we even  have to ask directions to find it. The park grass needed cut, the staff was not friendly and there were RV's that looked abandoned and parked for who knows how long. Not a nice park. Only staying one night for sure!

Things go "south" from there. We are sitting inside when there is a knock at the door. I go crazy barking at the "Trick or Treat" youngsters of preteen to teenagers. They have make up on their faces and are wanting candy. Dad, after a frustrating day, tells them to move along or he'll call the police. Come to find out, the unfriendly staff failed to tell us about this activity. Needless to say we have a very restless night since we are sure we are going to be egged!

Sometime in the middle of the night we hear a bus arrive and when we get up in the morning their are people sleeping in cars. Mom took me to the dog park early and as we passed some tents there was a man smoking a corn cob pipe. (Is that a banjo playing in the distance?) We were out of there by 7:30 am!

Our trip to Mass. was, thankfully uneventful. I have more to tell you later in my next blog.
Love, Sam and Mom, Judy and Dad, Chris

Friday, June 27, 2014


Well, we have been traveling a little over a week and I haven't made another entry, as things have been pretty routine. What is ROUTINE? We stayed in a camp grounds in South Carolina and their was this wonderful pond but Mom wouldn't let me swim, something about it being an alligator habitat. Good thing we were only there one day.

We did stay 2 days in North Carolina where I got to play with a Springer Spaniel who had won trophies at the dog show.  In Virginia I got to play in a creek that was crystal clear and cool.

We are now in Pennsylvania just north of Hersey, PA. and it is beautiful! Days are in the mid 80's and nights mid 60's. Things called "hills" are all around and they are beautiful, but more important they are FUN to run up and down! I play with a Golden Retriever here. Can we get hills put in my dog park back at home?

I think Dad was upset on our way from VA to PA. Something about a gridlock on the Washington DC beltway. I only know we were moving very slowly. We hit another bog down when we got onto I-81 near Hagerstown, Maryland. We were actually stopped at times. Thank heavens,in both cases, it was only heavy traffic and road construction and not accidents that caused the hold ups.

We finally get to the camp ground over 2 hours later than we had expected. Everyone was tired but me (I was ready to play in the dog park). Setting up camp did not go so well. The jacks that level the RV didn't work right and Mom had to reset them. After several tries we finally got all set up. I think it was a good thing there was a restaurant on premise (with a full bar) so no one had to cook!

Mom says things run in 3's. Hope that is right. So far this trip the A/C's peed on the living room carpet, the refrigerator went from 38 to 50 degrees, and finally the jacks. Good thing that adds up to 3! Oh, about the pictures, I'm not sure the play ground with this plane was intended for dogs but sure was neat. You can see the beautiful hills in the background. We will be in Maine on the first. Then I get to SWIM everyday! I miss you all and will be back in touch. Love, SAM and Family

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Back on the Road

                  WHERE IN THE WORLD IS SAM?

BOY oh BOY, I got so EXCITED loading the RV, running in and out with every load. Finally we are on the road and heading out. Then what happens? WE ONLY TRAVEL 2 hours! I made just as many trips up and down the steps and I'm not tired. You'd think these guys are retired or something.

We stopped at a place called Lake Panasoffkee, FL. Very "old Florida" with air boat rides and everything. This restaurant down the road even serves frog leggs. Yuk, I just thing their fun to chase.

Now on the walk to the dog park we encounter this black thing with a funny bark. He ran up and down the fence wanting to play. Now I'm a city boy and since this is the funniest dog I've seen I just barked and kept my distance.

I overheard Mom say we were site seeing on our way to Maine and it would take us about 10 days so I will keep you all posted on my travels.

So far Dad hasn't done anything too funny. However it did take him a full day to figure out how to open the umbrella over the patio table.  Go figure! I will keep you all posted on our adventures. Love, Sam (Mom, Judy and Dad, Chris too.)