Well, it's about time that I get a chance to blog! We spent 2 wonderful weeks buried in the woods with hiking trails,
6 fenced in big dog parks, a stream to run in and the
pest de resistance a swimming pond! I had several different friends to play with but none as fun as my buddy's at home.
I am getting ahead of myself so let's back up and review our trip to Four Paws. We left SC headed up I-95 to I-26 north. About an hour south of Asheville, NC we headed east toward our destination. Things were going great until Mom miss-read a sign and we turned on the business route! Oops! In these rural historic towns you NEVER take the business route! Not with a 40' rig hauling a car, due to narrow streets, low hanging trees and NO place to turn around. Dad spotted a hospital parking lot and we got turned around. We then pulled in a connivance store/gas station to get directions. OK, so, no GPS signal, no NC map to be bought (I guess paper maps are a thing of the past) and no one had heard of Four Paws.
YIKES! Do I hear banjo's playing? We called the camp ground and they were clueless as to where we were. Dad decided to back track to the main road and we were finally on the right route again. Four Paws was 3 miles down a very curvy narrow road. To make a short story long, we finally arrived at Four Paws, a longer day than planned!

Days were fun filled with swimming and hiking. Mom and Dad did go golfing and leave me alone but don't tell them, I needed the rest, even though I gave them that "sad" Lab look. I think I have lost weight, even though I am not going without my snacks, (you know Dad
is a soft touch). We even had a couple of trips to McDonald's (thank heavens for Mom and her love of diet coke!) Guess we will find out when we get to a scales.
Our next stop is Asheville, NC which should be a short uneventful trip. Well maybe? Love, Sam