Sunday, September 28, 2014


Looks like we headed back just ahead of the fall colors. Southern NY had the most color. This picture Mom took at a rest stop just before we left NY. I love it when we stop because I get to smell new smells and leave my mark. (We guy dogs do that.)

We traveled through a lot of farm country and beautiful mountains. We spent a night at Nittany Mts. in PA. I had a lot of room to run. Next we traveled through the Shenandoah Valley staying near Harrisonburg, VA.

Our next stay was in the Blue Ridge Mountains. This was a great wooded RV park with a big dog park to play in. Mom was a little upset because there was NO phone service. We walked to the office to inquire about cell coverage, and found out that AT&T's coverage is poor. It seems there is only one spot in WHOLE the park where there is a strong enough signal.  They pointed us to a metal KOA chicken  on the fence outside the KOA office. They lovingly call it the AT&T Chicken. Well there was no doubt, Mom had to take its picture!

Did I tell you Mom had to buy a new camera on this trip. Seems she dropped the other one and it broke, so she ran out and got another one. She wouldn't want to miss a photo opt! We will continue out trek back south ending up at Fort Wilderness in Orlando's Disney World for three days. I love it there because Mom and Dad rent a golf cart and I get to ride shot gun with Dad driving. (Mom takes a back seat but don't tell her I told you.)

Attached are some pictures Mom took as we headed towards home. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you real soon.
Lots of Love Sam, Mom (Judy) and Dad (Chris)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How about this another blog a day a part. We are headed home spending our first night leaving NY in PA. Even though Mom and Dad wouldn't take me with them to Niagara Falls I thought you would enjoy the pictures.We have a great trip planned on the way home going through the Shenandoah Valley and Blue Ridge Mountains. As always we will end up at Fort Wilderness to unwind with Mickey Mouse. Hopefully we will see some fall color on our way back south. Can't wait to see my  pals in the dog park. Love Sam and Family

Monday, September 22, 2014

Hi everyone. I bet you thought I got lost going from Maine to NY. Well I didn't. It seems that the connectivity at this KOA in Medina is not so good and it takes a lot of time to down load pictures. We had a nice trip from ME to NY but boy do they have a ton of tolls up north! Of course driving a large RV towing a car is double trouble.

Our first night out we stayed in MA at a Jellystone RV Park. It was nice but no dog park for me to run in and I had to stay on leash while we were there. The next night we stayed at a KOA in Herkimer, NY. What a beautiful place on the Canada River. The river was clear, cold and fast moving, maybe that is why Mom wouldn't let me go swimming. She wouldn't even let me chase the Canadian Geese along the bank of the river.

The next day we traveled to Medina, NY. This is a very picturesque and quaint town built in the late 1800's on the Erie Canal. It was like stepping back in time. Mom said the church was not like our church back home. Mom and Dad went to visit one of Dad's brothers and took me with them. They had a Thanksgiving Dinner and I got some turkey.  Uncle Paul knows how to debone a turkey. YUM
Dad's other brother Al came out to visit us at our camp site. He brought along some sort of pastry but I wasn't allowed to have any. Bummer! Lake Ontario is just up the road from our camp ground and we took a ride to a state park and I got to see the lake. Looks like the gulf to me.

We are heading out tomorrow to start working our way home. Mom has some pictures from her and Dad's trip to Niagara Falls to share with you in a couple of days. Mom is hoping for a stronger signal. Until then, love Sam and Family.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Well can you believe it is time to leave Maine? I have had such a good time and the weather has been great but I am, also, a little sad. I have a best friend, Lucky. He is a rescue dog that is part Lab and part Hound and guess what? He LOVES the water as much as I do! We like to run the trail into the Salt Water Marsh but the other day we got into big trouble. Lucky took off chasing birds and I followed. When the Mom's yelled at us to come back Lucky kept going and I followed. We weren't gone very long but our Mom's almost lost their voices yelling for us. (Not that our Dad's would mind if they lost their voices!)
Mom visited Len's Chocolate Factory (without me) and bought Dad some chocolate fudge. While she was there she had to take a picture of Lenny. The chocolate factory is on route 1 and we pass it every time we go out. Mom always would say she wanted to stop and see the life size chocolate moose. She finally did it this week. Talk about waiting to the last minute.

We are traveling to Medina, NY which is on Lake Ontario between Rochester and Buffalo. We will be staying for two weeks before working our way home. Mom and Dad will be visiting family and I suppose they will golf (leaving me alone) while they are there. Maybe I will meet new friends in NY. The camp ground has a dog park so there is always hope. I wonder if there are any dog friendly beaches close to where we will be? I'll write later and let you know.
Signing out for now.
Love, Sam and family