Saturday, September 14, 2013

Washington DC at Night is Spectacular!
Hi Everyone. Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to my blog. I took a night tour of DC, then headed out for Williamsburg the next day with intentions of doing my blog. The camp grounds in Williamsburg was very nice being, situated in a forest, but it had no wifi fast enough to blog. Hurray I back in electronic civilization.

I have been to Washington DC several times and still there were Memorials I had not seen. We stayed at a camp grounds in Maryland just off the beltway. It was so convenient. The RV park had bus tour pick up and delivery from the park into DC. With all my trips to the city I had never seen the monuments lit up at night, so I killed two birds with one stone and took a night tour with Grayline. I was able to see the Monuments I missed and see them lit up.  I thought the memorials were grand during the day but, Oh My, you must see them at Night! I was moved to near tears more than once. Attached are some of my night pictures but I am not sure they do justice.

We came into DC on Saturday and no problems with traffic. I had heard so many horror stories I almost dreaded scheduling us to spend four days there. We left DC on Wednesday taking the inner loop east around the city then I 95 south toward Richmond. It was only 164 miles from DC to Williamsburg, VA so we didn't leave camp until 10am. This turned out to be a perfect time as we missed the morning rush hour. All my fears were for not. I will be down loading my Williamsburg pictures and hopefully be able to add another blog in a day or two.  I miss you all and look forward to returning home (I think). You'll hear from me soon.

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