Saturday, July 20, 2013

Three days traveling and the weather has been perfect and so has Sam, almost. We are in Raleigh for a couple of days. This gives Chris a break from driving daily.

Now guys I think you need to be a little worried about me.  You know the commercial where the mother tells her teen she cannot wear an outfit because what will the neighbors think on how silly she looks. The next seen is the mother on her hands and knees in front of a bush making bird sounds trying to get the cat out; all the while the neighbors watching. Now I should tell you Sam is a dog of habit, and he only likes to go in HIS back yard at home. This is a problem as we can't take OUR back yard with us. So here I am, a grown woman following my dog saying "Sam potty, Sam potty, Sam potty, SAM POTTY!," while holding a plastic bag in one hand and doggie treat in the other. I say this so often I may have to SHOW him. Just Kidding.

Tomorrow we will be in Fredericksburg and I will be taking pictures and having more interesting topics to discuss.

What do the old people do? Talk about their potty problems.........I am soooooo in trouble!

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