We have had a wonderful time in Hersey, PA. We visited Hersey World and road on a cute ride telling the story of how the coco bean becomes a yummy chocolate bar. Free samples were enjoyed and welcome! Chris and I did not go into Hersey Park, which is a large Amusement Park much like Six Flags. It did look like a great place for families to visit.
Today was a day of exploring the Lancaster Co countryside. I visited two covered bridges built in the 1800's. Pictured is Forry's Mill Covered Bridge.They are also known as "the kissing bridges," who knew?
There were big beautiful farms growing everything from corn to tobacco. I stopped at a road side stand and bought the most beautiful fruits and vegetables. The tomatoes are gorgeous, the inside is as red as the outside and talk about firm and sweet, yum. Tonight we are having chicken on the grill, corn on the cob and sliced tomatoes. Oh, did I mention sweet juicy peaches for dessert? This is a beautiful part of the country.
Tomorrow is moving day and we are headed to New York. We are staying a couple of days in the Newburg area. Stay happy and well! Judy signing out until next time.