Sunday, August 28, 2011

Last Stop Disney Ft. Wilderness

Here we are at Disney's Fort Wilderness, the last stop before home. I guess you can say we have started a tradition with ending out trip here. Kind of a winding down before we get back into the routine of home. You can see we have all our animals in the window, some from Disney, others from our travels. (That is all the stuffed animals, even though Skid likes to get in the window too.)

Tomorrow we plan on going over to Universal Studios to check out Harry Potter as well as the rest of the Park. It has been years since either of us has been to Universal. Normally this would be my last entry but I am sure I will want to give you a report on Potter. Hum, Butterscotch Beer, we'll see.

I must say home and my own bed sound good. I am really missing all of you.

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